Producing the best nut butters on the market - Two Nods is focused not just on creating the best product possible, but doing so with our climate, our community, and our long-term sustainability in mind.

Our climate is the one thing that makes life on earth worth living for. It’s our responsibility to make sure what we do with it is done in the most transparent and sustainable way possible.

We recognise that we exist in a community. Supporting local small businesses is good for them and us, and is a key concern of our production line. That’s why we print labels locally with Ricky in Peckham, and why we use only recycled British-made glass from Bristol.

Transparency is key for our business. You deserve to know what we know, and nothing should be hidden. We’ve taken inspiration from industry leaders and heard to call to action – on every one of our products you’ll find a C02e/kg number. A way to measure and directly compare how much carbon the creation of the product has produced.

C02e/kg is a way of expressing how many kilograms of harmful climate change causing gases (as their carbon dioxide equivalent – C02e) are produced by the final product that lands in your hand.

The C02e/kg calculation allows you, the noble consumer trying to do what is right, to cut through the marketing and find out what’s real and what’s false. It is based on the best available information we can garner from across the production line. The growth of the nuts, the glass making, the label printing, everything we can measure. Where we are unsure, we estimate. It’s important to note, the number will change over time as the calculation gets more accurate, and we switch to a more sustainable production line.

Let’s do away with greenwashing and false eco-branding. Give the people a way to compare and let rip who needs to pull their socks up. Earth is our home, and we need to look after it.

Download our manifesto here

Our carbon manifesto

Our production is all done in house, so we can maintain control and consistency. Our nuts are roasted, ground, blended, and flavoured before they’re jarred and labelled. Each one gets a batch number, before being sent out to stock shelves in shops and homes.

Supporting local producers and suppliers is important to who we are as a company. We are keeping our eyes open across our whole production line to ensure we’re souring responsibly and locally. If you think we could be doing more, let us know.

We’re constantly on the look out for new flavours to extend our range. Walking into spice shops and constant recipe testing means we have a wealth of ideas to share in the future.